I'm a mother.
I just made a bottle for the bed hopper Lerato!!! He wakes up at night from his bed, comes to our bedroom and demands his bottle...
I was fetching wipes from the other bedroom, where we were chilling in the day, on my way back I realize diapers are finished were they are stored on Aeon's bed. Rushed back as he was crying. Then I head the bed hopper crying, saying he wants mama!!!! Ran to the kitchen to make the bottle, thinking I will catch him in his bed and calm him back to sleep. I went to his bed he was not there, went to check the nanny's bed, not there!!!!!
He moved my dear husband, who was trying to calm Aeon... In his sleep.
I give the bed hopper his bottle, while I change Aeon. He drink and finish it, almost.
Then sticks out his little hand and says "My tummy is tired!"
My night, My morning... My world.